Finance & Policy 

This is a formally adopted Committee of the Council  Terms of Reference

The Committee will oversee the financial affairs of the Council in accordance the Councils Financial Regulations Governance and Accountability.
The Committee will oversee the development and review of the Council’s key policies.
The Committee will consider complaints, Freedom of Information  and Subject Access Requests (but not limited to)
The Committee will co-ordinate and oversee the recruitment of employees.
Full Council may also refer matters to the Committee for consideration.

Councils Policies can be viewed here For the Scheme of Delegation to the Clerk of the Council please clichere Delegation of Power - Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 provides 

Under s. 101, LGA 1972 the council can arrange for the discharge of any of its functions by an officer of that authority (as well as by a committee or sub-committee, or by any other local authority). Standing orders or council resolutions commonly provide for specific areas of decision-making to be delegated to a specific officer (usually to the clerk; sometimes to another officer). 

Please refer to the Accounts Page for the Slaugham Parish Council's Annual Governance Returns or use the link tab on this page.

 Agenda Meeting Minutes 2024

 Date   Reference Papers      Minutes 
15th January 2024

Item Ref 6 I&E 

Tax Base Review 

Item 10 Review Budget

Precept Review 

9th May 2024

Financial Monitoring  



Item F05/07    

12 June 2024


Financial Monitoring  Risk Management 

Annual Accounts 2023/24

Annual Governace Statement 

Internal Auditors Report 

Public Rights 

Asset Register





Interim Audit - 20th November 2023 
Slaugham Parish Council Interim Audit Report 

 Agenda Meeting Minutes 2023

 Date   Reference Papers      Minutes 
 27th November 2023   

I&E Review

Interim Audit Review 

 5th June 2023

I&E 300123

Internal Audit Report 

AGAR Item F0608

 SAA NPR F0610  

 24th May 2023

 I&E 300123

 Internal Audit Report

AGAR Item F0608 

SAA NPR F0610   

 26th April 2023

Annual Budget 


Balance Sheet 

Bank Reconciliation 310323

I&E Acc Year End 310323 

Trial Balance Current Year 310323 


18th January 2023

Income & Expenditure

Trial Balance

Annual Budget by Cost Centre

December Bank Reconciliation  


 Agenda Meeting Minutes 2022
 14th November 2022

Reference Papers

Interim Review 

 Income & Expenditure 141222

 Balance Sheet 

Trial Balance 

14th November DRAFT 
 13th June 2022

 Reference Papers

Income & Expenditure Year

Internal Auditors Report 

Annual Accounts AGAR 2021/22

Period of Exercise of Public Rights 

Governance Documents Review 


 13th June 2022
 6th May 2022

Reference Papers 

 Income & Expenditure Year

Summary I&E Budget Heading 

Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2022

Trial Balance 31st March 2022

 AGAR DRAFT Early Review

Review of Effectiveness Internal Controls 

6th May Minutes 

 20th January 2022 

26th January 2022 

 Reference Papers

 Annual Budget 

Detailed Income & Expenditure 

 Precept Calculator

Bank Rec 1221

Bank Rec 1121 

Earmarked Reserves 

Forward Budget 3 YEAR 

 Meeting 200122 Notes 

26th January 2022 


Agenda / Minutes 2021

10th November 2021 AGENDA Interim Budget Precept Review Planning  - UPDATE 9th November due to illness this meeting will now be held virtually at 7pm

Minutes 10th November 2021

Reference Papers 

10th August 2021 MINUTES

Reference Papers  

Detailed Income & Expenditure  

Income and Expenditure Account  

Summary Income and Expenditure  

Bank Reconciliation as at 31st July 2021  

11th February 2021 MINUTES

Reference Papers

Annual Budget

Trial Balance 

Balance Sheet

Tax Base Fact Sheet  Tax Briefing note


25th May 2021 MINUTES

Reference Papers

Annual Return Part 3

Annual Return Summary

Balance Sheet 

Bank Cash Reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation 

Income and Expenditure for Year Ended 31st March 2021 

Summary I&E by Budget Heading 310321 

Reserves Reconciliation 31st March 2021  

Internal Audit 2020/21

Slaugham 3-21   / Slaugham IA AGAR Page 3 

 Agenda / Minutes 2020

14th December 2020 AGENDA  MINUTES

141220 Reference Papers

15th October 2020 Interim Finance Review AGENDAMINUTES  

S106 Developer Contributions

 Reference Papers 


Reference Papers  

 F06/05 - To agree - Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the year ending 31 March 2020

 F05/06/1 To agree - Section 1: The Annual Governance Statement 2019/2020

   F05/06/2 To agree - Section 2: The Accounting Statement 2019/2020.   

Bank Reconciliation 310320

Income & Expenditure Account for Year End 31st March 2020 

Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2020 

F05/06/3 To agree the dates for period of exercise of the public rights  

28th October 2019 AGENDA / MINUTES 

Item F2810/10 Annual Return 2019  - External Auditors Report 270919

Item F2810/06 Income & Expenditure 300919 - Bank Reconciliation Statement 300919 

Agenda / Minutes 2019

18th January 2019 MINUTES

7th May 2019  MINUTES

11th July 2019  MINUTES


May 2019

Annual Return

Annual Return Working Papers 

Opening Trial Balance 

Bank Reconciliation 31st March 

I&E Papers  

Members Briefing Note

January 2019

Income & Expenditure 

Detailed Income & Expenditure 

Income & Expenditure Account for Year End 


17th October 2018 MINUTES

17th January 2018 MINUTES

October 2018 Reference Papers 

Income & Expenditure 

Finches Field Cost Report 

 Annual Budget 151018 

January 2018 Reference Papers 

31st May 2018 Briefing Note

Standing Orders 

Financial Regulations 

 For Governance and Accountability please click here