Statutory Documents

The Parish Council adopted the model publication scheme (core values) approved under the Freedom of Information Act, 2000 on the 28th November, 2002. The Act provides for public access to certain documents maintained by the Parish Council. Such documents have always been accessible by members of the public. The purpose of the Act is to improve and ensure this access.

The "Statutory or Working" documents are available, free of charge, by clicking on the links shown below. Documents not shown may be accessed either by arranging an appointment with the Clerk to view at a mutually convenient time, or, have copies sent, by putting your request in writing, to the Clerk to the Council. There will be a fee plus any cost of postage and packing.

Council Documents - Policies 
 Standing Orders Slaugham Parish Council  
 General Data Protection Regulations GDPR 
 Data Subject Access Request Policy (SAR)  
 Slaugham Parish Council Privacy Notice  
 Consent Form  
 Freedom of Information   
 Complaints Procedure  
 Code of Conduct   
 Communications Policy  
 Social Media Policy  
 Press Policy  
 Filming and Recording Public Meetings   
 Persistent Vexatious Requests Policy  
 Website Accessibility Statement  
 Scheme Delegation  
 Scheme Delegation  
 Community Emergency Plan  
 Slaugham Financial Regulations - Under Review  
 Financial Regulations  - Under Review   
 Slaugham Civility & Respect ADOPTED 023023     

Please go to our Committees pages for more information on our adopted committees