Council Committees 
The Chairman and Vice Chairman are ex officio of all committees.
For Agendas and Minutes of the Full Council Meetings, click here.
Planning Committee
For the Agendas and Minutes, click here.
Cllrs (Chair) Eric Prescott, Bob St George, Lesley Read, Jane MacNaughton Co opted Member Ken Boyle
The Planning Committee considers Planning Applications, deals with street lighting, Highways and Emergency Planning. These meetings will now be held on the first Thursday of the Month every Month throughout the year unless prior notice is given.
Recreation CommitteeFor the Agendas and Minutes, click here.Cllr's Lesley Read, Julia Elliott, and co opted members Lorette Holborn, Ken Boyle, Simeon Johnson, Andy Musgrove
The Recreation Committee deals with all matters concerning the Recreation Grounds, Children's playgrounds and Allotments.
Finance and Policy CommitteeFor the Agendas and Minutes, click here.Cllr's Gary Marsh (chair) Julia Elliott, Jane MacNaughton, Bob St George, Eric Prescott, David Dunn -This Committee deals with finance matters, proposals for budgets, projects etc. and policy matters
Sub Committee GDPR/Legal/Procedural/Data Protection/Freedom of Information - 2 member of Finance and the Clerk. This committee makes recommendations to Finance & Policy Committee.
Neighbourhood Plan Committee
Cllrs Eric Prescott, Julie Elliott. Lesley Read, Bob St George, David Dunn and Lorette Holborn
Mid Sussex District Council, as the local planning authority, designated a Neighbourhood Area for the whole Slaugham Parish area in September 2012 to enable Slaugham Parish Council to prepare the ‘Slaugham Parish Neighbourhood Plan' (SPNP).
The SPNP will contain a variety of policies and infrastructure proposals, including determining the level, location, type and phasing of new housing development as well as new community facilities, public open spaces and village centre improvements. For more information please click here or go to the tab at the top of this page.
Communications Committee (new)
Cllr's Phil Morris (chair), Julia Elliott, Jane MacNaughton, Bob St George, Adrienne Melville, David Dunn
Please click here for the Committee's terms of reference
Please click here for the Councils protocol for filming or recording at public meetings