Pease Pottage

So called, it is said, because convicts on their way to Horsham Gaol were given a bowl of pottage here.
The village green is fragmented now because of the alignment of the roads. The greens are kept in beautiful condition thanks to the local residents' society. The entrance to Pease Pottage in the spring is quite magnificent when all the bulbs are in flower and the shrubs have gained their leaves once more.
There is only one public house in the village,The Black Swan Public House, Horsham Road. Pease Pottage was once the popular stopping off point for "charabancs" (coaches as they are now called) on their way from London to Brighton taking Londoners on their days out to the seaside. In those days it was not unusual to see the visitors sitting on the greens around the public house having their picnic lunches. Alas, these days, nearly every household has a motor car and this is now the popular method of travelling on days out which has led to some of the huge increase in traffic on our roads. No longer do they stop for a picnic en route - preferring to get straight to their destination without stopping to look and "stand and stare".
There is only one shop in Pease Pottage since the re alignment of the A23 London to Brighton Trunk Road, a florists. Prior to that there was a garden nursery and a garage with a shop.
Pease Pottage Village has had some of development of mixed housing in the past with additional housing on the site of the old garden nursery centre during 2007/8.